Markus Steinberger
Markus Steinberger is an Associate Professor at Graz University of Technology, Austria, leading the GPU Computing and Visualization Group at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision. He holds an MSc in Computer Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science from Graz University of Technology. In 2013 and 2014 he was with the mobile computer vision research group of Kari Pulli at NVIDIA, California. After a short PostDoc in Graz, he led the GPU Scheduling and Parallel Computing Group at the Max-Planck-Center for Visual Computing and Communication in Saarbrücken, Germany from 2015 until 2017. His biggest honors include the promotion sub auspiciis prasidentis rei publicae in 2014, being the first Austrian to win the GI Dissertation Prize, and winning the Heinz Zemanek Prize. His research interests are reflected by the numerous awards won by his papers, including ACM CHI, IEEE Infovis, Eurographics, ACM NPAR, EG/ACM HPG, and IEEE HPEC best paper and honorable mention awards.